Identity, Internationalization, Higher Education, BrazilAbstract
Higher education has received special attention from central governments that understood the need to incorporate a new movement that emerges as a response to globalization: the internationalization of higher education. Understanding the relevance of such movement, governments have heavily invested in the definition of public policies, with clear guidelines and strategic goals for the internationalization of their organizational and programmatic structures. This article aims to deepen the reflections on the need for identity parameters for the internationalization of Brazilian higher education. The study is qualitative descriptive, developed through documentary and bibliographical research. The study evidences the absence of government documents that show Brazilian guidelines for international education, as well as highlights the need for identity parameters. It is possible to see more specific proposals by Brazil in Latin America and Africa over the last few years, where it is possible to identify the achievement of international standards for postgraduate programs, which form an international and intercultural dimension for research and education, through actions of the Ministry of Education, but still with low intensity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.References
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