


Curriculum, ICT, Teacher training, Singapore, UTAUT


This research questioned if in a favorable context of training and adequate physical and technological structure, how teachers integrate technologies in their classroom and to analyze the intentions and actions of future teachers in the use of technologies. As a methodology, participant observation was adopted for six months in classes taught in the discipline of Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching and Learning Principles of Accounts, at the National Institute of Education in Singapore, based on the Mixed-Mode Delivery (MMD) that proposes the intensive use of ICT. The Survey applied was developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003) from The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technologies (UTAUT). We conclude that there are indications that when technological resources are not readily available, they tend to move away from the idea of integrating technologies in their classes, values, beliefs and individual conceptions about a certain theme or subject can lead the teacher to not use it technologies.

Author Biographies

Nara Maria Bernardes Pasinato, Instituto Federal Catarinense

Doutora em Educação e Currículo (PUCSP); Mestrado em Educação (PUCPR); Licenciada em Pedagogia (UCB); Licenciada e Bacharel em Biologia (PUCPR)

Everson Luiz Oliveira Motta, Unicesumar

Doutorando em Educação e Currículo (PUC-SP),;Mestre em Educação e Novas Tecnologias (UNINTER-PR);  Licenciado e  em Dança/Artes(UNESPAR-PR) e em Pedagogia  (UNINTER-PR) Bacharel em  Design de interiores (UNICESUMAR-PR).


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