Digital Education, Remixed pedagogical practices, Computational thinking, Maker culture, Gamification.Abstract
This paper presents the results of qualitative-descriptive research investigates aspects of teacher education related to emergencies of digital culture. This culture is established in a digital world, where technologies change relationships, conceptions, and behaviors of society as a whole and the need for digital education to understand and act in this new context is pressing. In this scenario, the question that arises (and it is not new) is related to teacher education, specifically with regards to the challenges and possibilities for creating pedagogical practices that address the expectations and training needs of students. Considering this problem, this thesis proposes that teachers should adopt a remixed pedagogical practices, understood as a practice that uses two or more pedagogical strategies based on emerging trends in digital culture. In order to illustrate the operationalization of this proposal, we opted for three strategies: computational thinking, maker culture and gamification, which were called the Contemporary Educational.References
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