MAKER EDUCATION: where is the curriculum?




Maker movement, Maker activity, STEM-rich, K-12 education, Educational technologies.


The Maker Movement has been observed by educational institutions, contributing to the growing interest in implementing maker education in K-12 and higher education. However, the examples of this implementation show that the maker activities are not yet integrated with the curriculum. The objective of this article is to understand how maker education can be integrated into the k-12 curriculum. As for the methodology it were used the qualitative approach and visits to institutions that were implementing maker education. Based on these experiences, it was possible to categorize the material collected into two groups of activities: those developed in schools, but not related to the curriculum; and those related to one or two subjects in the curriculum. Finally, based on the case studies described and the readings, it is suggested how the implementation of maker education can be carried out in k-12 education. The focus of this education should not only be the teaching of disciplinary content through maker approaches, but be able to create conditions for the student to become aware and understand the curricular concepts that are present in the products they build.

Author Biographies

Paulo Blikstein, Columbia University

Professor Associado

Teachers College, Columbia University, EUA

Jose Valente, Unicamp

Professor Titular aposentado do Departamento de Multimeios, Mídia e Comunicação do Instituto de Artes, e Pesquisador Colaborador do Núcleo de Informática Aplicada à Educação (Nied) da Unicamp

Éliton Meireles de Moura, UFU

Pesquisador do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Mídias na Educação (NUPEME) da UFU, e Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Avaliação Educacional (GEPAE) da UFU


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