Perceptions of pedagogy and biological sciences undergraduates about the school curriculum
curricular flexibility, students’ perceptions, initial teacher formationAbstract
This article presents the results of the initial phase of implementing a Technical Educational Production, in the format of a training course, which investigated the previous notions of 26 undergraduate students in Pedagogy and Biological Sciences about the school curriculum. The data were collected in 2018 from a questionnaire with open questions and the answers were transcribed and analyzed using Discursive Textual Analysis. As a result, a general category could be organized by means of three subcategories that showed, mainly, notions of curriculum distant from recent research that investigate this theme, the idea of the curriculum as a fixed element of basic and guiding school work, and the need to improve the initial training of teachers with regard to aspects such as understanding, application and flexibility of curricular programs through a perspective of teaching sensitivity in the face of the social context experienced by the school community.
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