A study of abilities associated to the chemical knowledge presentes in the Common National Base Curriculum
BNCC, abilities, Bloom taxonomy, levels of chemical thinkingAbstract
The Common National Base Curriculum is a document that has a systematic and gradual group of required learning objectives to the complete development of the child and kids. For this, it is organized in thematic units, learning objects and abilities. In this sense, we present a study of the abilities associated to chemical knowledge in the area of Natural Science from 9th to 12th grade. For this analysis, we consider the categories of the Revised Bloom Taxonomy’s cognitive domain and the levels of chemical thinking. The data revealed that the abilities analyzed pass between the cognitive levels of Taxonomy, but for the 9th grade, there is a predominance of the lower level of cognitive order, while for the high school, there is a predominance of the higher order. Regarding chemical thinking, we identified that 9th grade and high school, abilities include the submicroscopic level.
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