Curriculum and the Production of Faciality
affections, deterritorializations and reterritorializations in a pandemic scenario
curriculum; facialization processes; conditions; deterritorializations; reterritorializations.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to discuss the effects of the affections of the pandemic on curricular practices both in basic and in higher education. It seeks to approach the movements of curricular deterritorialization and reterritorialization resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. It is supported by schizoanalysis and uses methodological bricolage, by means of different discursive and non-discursive devices considered in its plots. The study is located in the state of Bahia and based on the philosophy of difference to produce new senses and meanings for education and the curriculum. It understands the curriculum as a language that operates mechanically in the facialization process, which means and subjectifies the ways of existing, captures the desire and separates the body from the power to act. In contrast, it proposes curricular openings that favor the production of desiring machines that increase the subject’s power to act.
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