The TPACK Spectrum in the Interaction of Higher Education Distance Courses




higher education; distance education; web conferencing; TPACK.


Distance education demands pedagogical mediation to make use of several technologies. In this context, lives are introduced as a resource to better simulate dialogic situations that resemble physical classrooms. Based on experiences at Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo, this paper seeks to understand the relationship between students’ expectations regarding the offering of lives and strategies used by facilitators to make this tool useful in the learning process. From the data gathered through forms and their quantitative analysis, we notice a strong need to combine practices, pedagogical actions and technology uses suitable to the contents and knowledge in focus, supporting the adoption of the TPACK paradigm.

Author Biographies

Lucas Caniati Escaliante, Universidade Estadual Paulista

PhD student by a postgraduate program at UNESP, entitled Science and Technology of Materials, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. José Humberto Dias da Silva. It seeks to improve semiconductor materials with photocatalytic properties. In my master's degree, I had worked under the supervision of the same supervisor and with a similar line of research. I have bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and has worked in both industry and public initiative.

Mônica Cristina Garbin, Universidade de São Paulo / Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo

PhD in Education (2014) and graduated in Pedagogy (2007) from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). I was a visiting research scholar at Stanford University (2012), having participated in projects related to the assessment of technologies applied to education. I am hired professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo (USP) in the Department of Teaching Methodology and Comparative Education, in the area of Didactics. I am professor at the São Paulo State Virtual University in the area of Methodology and Distance Education (EaD), belonging to the Center for teaching, research and extension in Technologies and Management and conduct research in the field of Education, working mainly on the following topics: Didactics, Educational Technologies, Teacher Training and Teaching Methodologies.

Rafael Alberto Alves dos Santos, Universidade de São Paulo

PhD student in Letters at the Semiotics and General Linguistics Program at USP-FFLCH, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Norma Discini de Campos, I investigate the enunciative ethos of Pope Francis, based on a variety of speeches and narratives. In the Master’s degree in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP, under the guidance of Profa. Dr. Ana Claudia Mei Alves, I have studied the construction of the image of the Popes in two São Paulo newspapers over a little over a century (1878-2013). For 14 years, I had coordinated the institutional communication sector of the Archdiocese of São Paulo, accumulating responsibility for managing social networks, press relations and public relations. I coordinate the workshop "Politics Semiotics" at the Center for Sociosemiotics Research (CPS) and teach mini courses and lectures on topics such as institutional communication, communication crisis management, institutional image building, and style and enunciation.

Daniel Ballester Marques, Universidade de São Paulo

Graduated in Psychology (2012) and Philosophy (2016) and Master in Philosophy (2018) from the University of São Paulo. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Philosophy at the same university.


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