Learning in forums

imbrication between online social practices and the expansion of knowledge





social learning, cultural practices, virtual forum, Reddit


The study investigated the practices of users of internet forums on the Reddit platform in order to understand the nature of the interactions carried out through the exchange of messages. Based on the theoretical framework of online social learning as a cultural practice, an analysis was carried out to categorize and understand the types of messages and their relationship with the forum's culture and the development of new knowledge. For coding, three classification systems were used, which resulted in two typologies: the first included typical forum messages, not always directly associated with the themes, containing jokes, ironies, memes, aligned with Reddit characteristics. The second gathered denser messages, related to the themes, containing exchanges of information and debates. The analysis showed an intertwining between the expansion of knowledge about themes and sub-themes addressed and the development of social bonds typical of the context of internet forums, indicating the occurrence of social learning.

Author Biographies

Eduardo S. Junqueira, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Doutor em Educação. Professor Associado do Instituto UFC Virtual. Lider do grupo LER/CNPq. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira - FACED-Universidade Federal do Ceará

Diego Linhares Cruz Tabosa Barroso, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Graduado em Sistema e Mídias Digitais pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Generalista 3D.


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