The e-Curriculum Magazine starts 2023 remaining on the list of well-regarded journals by the Qualis Capes Assessment, with an A2 rating, which includes journals of national and international excellence. This year, the challenge is to adopt “continuous flow publication”, with the aim of speeding up the process of publishing works, a trend adopted by most journals. Since its founding, in 2005, the Journal adopted publishing in numbers, starting with one a year. From 2006 to 2010 it started to publish two numbers, from 2011 to 2014 it expanded to three annual ones, and, since 2015 with the quarterly publication, it started to include four numbers per year. The Journal changed its editorial policy to continuous flow in order to speed up the process of evaluating and publishing the works, as well as expanding its readership, but maintained the publication of sections of the manuscripts, such as articles in continuous demand, thematic dossiers, interviews and reviews .
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