The teaching of scientific research methodology - interlacing modalities, methodologies and teaching-learning scenarios




scientific methodology, researcher training, emergency remote teaching, active methodologies, professional master's degree


This article aims to reflect on the moments and movements of the discipline Scientific Research Methodology for Emergency Remote Teaching - ERE and its return to the face-to-face modality, as well as to systematize the lessons learned. A reflective narrative is presented, highlighting the pre/trans and almost post-pandemic periods. The foundations of this subject are based on the principles of the critical pedagogy with an emphasis on dialogue, collaborative production, autonomy, criticality, curiosity, creativity, strengthening of the practice-theory relationship and the relationship between educational institution and society. The reflection revealed a promising future with the improvement of DTICs, their incorporation into the pedagogical practices and the consolidation of the foundations adopted, although challenges such as equal access to technologies remain.

Author Biographies

Christine Barbosa Betty, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

PhD in Education, pedagogue, publicist and nurse. Technician in Educational Affairs at CEDESS/UNIFESP and collaborating professor in the Professional Master's Degree in Health Sciences Teaching – UNIFESP.



Iraní Ferreira-Gerab, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

PhD in Sciences and professor at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)

Otília Maria Lúcia Barbosa Seiffert, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

PhD in Educational Psychology and professor at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo.

Sandro Natalicio Prudêncio, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

PhD in Physical Education. Technician in Educational Subjects at CEDESS/UNIFESP and collaborating professor in the Professional Master’s Degree in Health Sciences/UNIFESP.


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