Frequentist probability in Japanese school curricula


  • Koji Otaki Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan



Frequentist probability, Japanese school curricula



Muchos maestros de matemáticas de la escuela japonesa, políticos e investigadores creen que los contenidos probabilísticos son difíciles de entender para la mayoría de los estudiantes. En este estudio, identifico varias razones para la dificultad a través de un análisis ecológico que es parte de un análisis didáctico. Esta tarea se logra a través de tres técnicas de investigación: (a) construcción de un modelo epistemológico de referencia de actividades probabilísticas en términos de praxeología, (b) análisis de contenidos probabilísticos de libros de texto de matemáticas escolares japonesas a partir del modelo de referencia y (c) Los contenidos utilizando la escala de niveles de codeterminación didáctica. En las matemáticas corrientes de la escuela japonesa, la probabilidad de frecuencia no se menciona, mientras que la probabilidad laplaciana comprende una gran parte del plan de estudios de probabilidad, aunque algunas condiciones genéricas hacen viable la probabilidad frecuencial. Este hecho está relacionado con las siguientes tres limitaciones: determinismo, teoricismo y desmatematización de los aleatorizadores.


Many Japanese school mathematics teachers, policy-makers and researchers believe that probabilistic contents are difficult for most students to understand. In this study, I identify several reasons for the difficulty through an ecological analysis that is a part of a didactic analysis. This task is achieved through three research techniques: (a) constructing a reference epistemological model of probabilistic activities in terms of praxeology, (b) analysing probabilistic contents of Japanese school mathematics textbooks from the reference model and (c) identifying institutional conditions and constraints on the contents using the scale of levels of didactic codetermination. In current Japanese school mathematics, frequentist probability is hardly mentioned, whereas Laplacian probability comprises a large part of the curriculum of probability, although some generic conditions make the frequentist probability viable. This fact is related to the following three constraints: determinationism, theoricism and demathematisation of randomisers.


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Author Biography

Koji Otaki, Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan

Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan


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How to Cite

OTAKI, K. Frequentist probability in Japanese school curricula. Educação Matemática Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 21, n. 4, 2019. DOI: 10.23925/1983-3156.2019v21i4p100-111. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.



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