Construction of a reference epistemological model as the foundation of a new didactic paradigm for the study of differential calculus




Anthropological theory of the didactic, Reference epistemological model, Elementary differential calculus, Functional modelling, didactic paradigm


This work is underpinned by the anthropological theory of the didactic (ATD). The aim is to formulate, in a coordinated way, an outline of a reference epistemological model for functional modelling, REM(FM), which gives to the elementary differential calculus (EDC) a new raison d'être. After describing the general criteria to be met by the REM, a redefinition of what is meant by functional modelling is proposed by means of an activity diagram that integrates the role assigned to EDC in this mathematical activity. In coherence with this way of interpreting the role played by the EDC in mathematical activity, new educational ends associated with its study are proposed, as well as didactic means that we consider appropriate to achieve these ends. In short, we propose a new modality for the study of EDC in the transition from Secondary education to University, that is, a new reference didactical paradigm (RDP) for the study of EDC. Taking this DP as a reference, a brief analysis is made of the current mode of study of EDC, highlighting the didactic phenomena that emerge when the study of EDC in the transition from Secondary education to University is governed by this DP.


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Author Biographies

Catarina Oliveira Lucas, Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya (ISPGAYA); CEOS.PP, ISCAP, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal

Doctor en Matemática

Josep Gascón Perez, Doctor en Matemáticas

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


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How to Cite

LUCAS, C. O.; PEREZ, J. G. Construction of a reference epistemological model as the foundation of a new didactic paradigm for the study of differential calculus. Educação Matemática Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 26, n. 3, p. 399–421, 2024. DOI: 10.23925/1983-3156.2024v26i3p399-421. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



Epistemological reference model (ERM) for teaching calculus