Critical literacies in teacher education

the educational role of English language class




Critical literacies; Internship as research; English language.


This paper discusses the importance of an English teacher education that considers teaching based on the critical literacies perspective, for believing in the contribution of this perspective to a less violent and more humane society. Hence, this work is based on the mentioned theoretical perspective and the notions of internship as research and school subject as means. The analysis focuses on a fragment of the data from ethnographic-based qualitative research developed at the Master’s level in which English teacher trainees develop their respective practices guided by the theory addressed here. By analysing the data, it was noticed how the notions of internship as research and school subject as means favour and enhance the development of practices based on critical literacies, which focus on educational issues of the subjects/students situated in researched context.


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How to Cite

Barros, W. V. (2022). Critical literacies in teacher education: the educational role of English language class. The ESPecialist, 43(2), 75–92.


