Reading sources in English to write a literature review in a romance language: a genre-based eap course in a masters program


  • Iliana Martínez Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Romina Picchio Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina

Palabras clave:

English for Academic Purposes, Genre-based pedagogy, Reading course, English as a foreign language, Literature review


This article describes a genre-based, field-specific EAP course offered in a Latin American university to Master’s candidates of veterinary science who are in the process of writing literature reviews for their dissertations. As their dissertations are expected to be novel contributions, the writers need to have access to scientific information in English, although the final product will be produced in their native Romance language, Spanish. To meet this need, we capitalized on the advantages of the context, particularly the common L1 background and the field homogeneity of the course group, thus allowing for specific instruction.


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Cómo citar

Martínez, I., & Picchio, R. (2015). Reading sources in English to write a literature review in a romance language: a genre-based eap course in a masters program. The ESPecialist, 36(1). Recuperado a partir de


