Exploring a right triangle property using GeoGebra





geometric property, Exploration, GeoGebra


In this article we study and discuss the exploration of a geometric property of the right triangle. In particular, using the GeoGebra dynamic geometric environment, we intend to discover the relationship between the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle and the length of its median, as well as devise paths for its validation. Four different approaches were taken in the study of the geometric property, highlighting the following aspects from the exploration: 1) the need to define resistant geometric figures so that they preserve the invariant properties of the figures; 2) the particular examples provide very limited evidence for mathematical validation, whereas the generalizable examples allow us to devise paths for the mathematical proof; and 3) the variety of intervening mathematical objects and the connections between them enhance a deeper learning.


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Author Biography

José António Fernandes, Universidade do Minho

Departamento de Estudos Integrados de Literacia, Didáctica e Supervisão


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How to Cite

Fernandes, J. A. (2022). Exploring a right triangle property using GeoGebra. Journal of the GeoGebra International Institute of São Paulo, 11(1), 085–100. https://doi.org/10.23925/2237-9657.2022.v11i1p085-100


