GeoGebra in the Study of Trigonometric Functions from Graphical Analysis
Trigonometric Function, GeoGebra, meaningful learningAbstract
The present work describes the results of an experience with the use of technologies in the Mathematics teaching, GeoGebra software application as a resource in trigonometry teaching/learning. It was intended to study the trigonometric functions from the graphical analysis, through the task accomplishment supported by the GeoGebra software. The methodological intervention was carried out in a qualitative approach with a case study in the context of research-action in a class of students of the 12th grade and we used the students' productions as a data collection instrument. The analysis of the activities helped us to understand how the students performed their analyses and to develop the ability of spatial visualization through the moving figures process on the computer screen. Therefore, the study directed us to conclude that the use of GeoGebra with an approach based on mathematical investigation contributed significantly to the understanding of the contents involved and an active role of students in the process of knowledge construction.
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