A preparation for calculus by exploring the transformations of a cubic function using GeoGebra
Calculation, transformation, cubic function, GeoGebraAbstract
The objective of this article is to discover a proposal for the teaching of transformations in a family of cubic functions defined by , by means of GeoGebra. This proposal is structured in four moments that seeks us: (i) to define the intervals of variation of each parameter in g(x) and (ii) to visualize and characterize the families of curves of g(x), generated after the variation of each parameter no corresponding interval. We believe that the application of the proposal contributed to the development of skills and competencies to coordinate the algebraic and geometric representations of functions of a variable, as is the case of the function discussed here. Finally, we believe that this proposal can potentiate the practice of Mathematics teachers interested in the use of digital technologies for the teaching of Calculus.
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