Deaf students and the use of GeoGebra software in mathematics:

possibilities for understanding 2nd degree equations


  • Cléa Furtado Silveira Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Suzana Mendonça Abreu
  • Denise Nascimento Silveira



Deaf, GeoGebra, Mathematics



This article is an excerpt from a dissertation that had deaf students and the use of GeoGebra software for understanding 2nd degree equations as its theme. The adopted methodology was qualitative, with the principles of a case study. Data collection took place through observations and was treated by dialectical analysis. The research was developed in a school for the deaf with a group of 9th grade of the Elementary School, in a bilingual way. There was familiarization with the GeoGebra software and the revision of the 1st degree equations, practical contextualization, and use of the software for the analysis of the graphs of the equations, in order to understand the concepts and application of the equations. The analysis showed that the methodology can be considered positive, meeting the objectives.Keywords: Deaf; GeoGebra; Mathematics.


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How to Cite

Silveira, C. F., Abreu, S. M., & Silveira, D. N. (2023). Deaf students and the use of GeoGebra software in mathematics: : possibilities for understanding 2nd degree equations. Revista Do Instituto GeoGebra Internacional De São Paulo, 12(3), 054–065.