
  • Jonas Bach Junior Professor Adjunto de Filosofia da Educação (UFTM).
  • Melanie Gesa Mangels Guerra Núcleo de Pesquisa do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Waldorf (IDW).



Curriculum. Waldorf education. Steiner.


This paper develops an open debate on the issue of updating the curriculum of Waldorf education, opposing Steiner’s organic conception and rigid interpretations. The study has a critical approach, and initially presents the reasons that inspired the structure of the curriculum, then it discusses the existing opposition between the idealization and the reality of implementation of curriculum principles. The differentiation between uncritical approaches and criticism about the curriculum is highlighted, including the questioning of consistency with the contextualization of teaching practice in the school environment. The theoretical-bibliographic methodology offers support for basing the starting point, the critical reflections and the final considerations. The results point to the conflict between the conservative and progressive positions, noting the anachronism of the problem and encouraging a continuous development of the curriculum based on research that combines the historical and cultural dimension of the educational phenomenon with the ideals of the theory.

Author Biographies

Jonas Bach Junior, Professor Adjunto de Filosofia da Educação (UFTM).

Professor e vice-coordenador do Departamento de Educação da UFTM. Pós-Doutorado em Educação (Unicamp -2015).  Doutorado em Educação (UFPR e Alanus Hochschule - 2012), com bolsa sanduíche pelo programa Capes/DAAD. Mestrado em Educação (UFPR - 2007). Bacharel em Comunicação Social - Jornalismo (UFPR) e licenciado em Filosofia (FAERPI).

Melanie Gesa Mangels Guerra, Núcleo de Pesquisa do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Waldorf (IDW).

Coordenadora do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Waldorf (IDW) e do Centro de Formação de Professores Waldorf de São Paulo. Mestranda em Educação pela FEUSP.


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