
  • Marcos Tarciso Masetto Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).
  • Marina Graziela Feldmann Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).
  • Silvana Alves Freitas Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP)



Formation of educators. Curriculum. Cultures. Contexts.


This article starts from the conception of curriculum that emerges from the reading of the current legislation that regulates and offers guidelines for the formation courses of educators. This conception is identified with that of curriculum grid, with marked characteristics of lack of integration between disciplines and contents, disconnection with both the micro and the macrocontext of the cultures of the curricular subjects. In view of this, the aim is to show the inexorable relationship between educators, curriculum, cultures and contexts in order to highlight the challenges of creating new paths for the education of educators. The article with a qualitative approach employs the documentary analysis of the legislation that establishes the guidelines for the educator training courses, they are, the Resolution CNE / CP n.2 / 2015 and the Deliberação CEE n. 111/2012, updated by Deliberação CEE n. 154/2017 and the bibliographical analysis referring to theories about the curriculum and its relation with the cultures and the contexts and the report of a memory of a continuing education course offered by one of the authors of this text about the experience developed by a science teacher with a 6th grade class from a public school in São Paulo. The results showed that the formation of educators should incorporate the different contexts of the city, the cultures of the subjects, the contradictions, challenges and possibilities that they bring to the school curricula, in order to overcome the curriculum conception as a "curriculum". From this, the challenges to create new ways of educating educators with the intention of forming curricular subjects apt to participate in the construction of the curriculum are evidenced.

Author Biographies

Marcos Tarciso Masetto, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).

Graduated in Philosophy, Master and PhD in Educational Psychology from PUC-SP and Free Teaching Professor from USP. Professor in Education Foundations Department and in Post-Graduation Program in Education: Curriculum of PUC-SP. Retired Associated Professor from USP. Specialist in university matters and in pedagogical formation of professors, concentrates in these areas his researches and scientific publications. Leader of Research Group Forpec (CNPq).

Marina Graziela Feldmann, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).

Graduated in Pedagogy, Master and PhD in Education: Curriculum. Professor in the Education Foundations Department of PUC-SP. Researcher and Coordinator in the Post-Graduation Program in Education: Curriculum. Leader of Research Group CNPq (2000) Formation of Teachers and School Everyday Life. Author of many book and arcticles about the following subjects: formation of teachers, Brazilian school, teaching formation policies, school culture and innovative curriculums.

Silvana Alves Freitas, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP)

Graduated in Pedagogy, specialist in Educational Management from the University of Taubaté, Master and PhD Postdoctoral researcher in Education: Curriculum from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Researcher in the research group FORPEC – Teacher Formation and Curricular Paradigms (CNPq).


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Dossiê Temático: "Formação de educadores: currículo, culturas e contextos"