
  • Débora Monteiro do Amaral Federal University of Espírito Santo
  • Valter Martins Giovedi Federal University of Espírito Santo
  • Nilda da Silva Pereira Federal University of Espírito Santo




Paulo Freire. Teacher Education. Freirean Popular Educaction. Rural Education.


This article consists of a report and analysis of the process and the results of a permanent teacher education work, from a freirean popular education standpoint,  with teachers of the final years the Elementary School, of a school located in the rural area of the municipality of Vila Velha (ES), more precisely, located in the community of Xuri. The teacher education process was coordinated by the authors of this article. The methodology that guided the practice lays on the collaborative-critical perspective. The formation process carried out so far has taken place in two moments: in the first one, it was sought to collectively bring out and critically analyze the pedagogical limit-situantions experienced by the school teachers; in the second, it was strived to encourage the teachers to build and implemet practices of generative themes' investigation and elaboration of pedagogical working plans, based on such themes. The data systematized in the text refer, mostly,  to the second moment. The article presents a brief exposition and analysis of the paths followed whitin the formation process, highlighting some examples of the constructions that the teachers carried out in the pursuit for reorienting their pedagogical practices from a freirean popular education standpoint.

Author Biographies

Débora Monteiro do Amaral, Federal University of Espírito Santo

Teacher and current coordinator of the Rural Education Course at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, at the Education Center (CE / UFES, ES, Brazil). Member of the Studies and Research Group Paulo Freire (CE / UFES).

Valter Martins Giovedi, Federal University of Espírito Santo

Professor of the Degree in Rural Education at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, at the Education Center (CE / UFES, ES, Brazil). He is coordinator of the Studies and Research Group Paulo Freire (CE / UFES).

Nilda da Silva Pereira, Federal University of Espírito Santo

PhD in Education (Curriculum) by PUC-SP. She is studying for a Post-Doctorate in Political Sociology at the University of Vila Velha (UVV, ES, Brazil). She is a Fellow of CAPES / FAPES. Member of the Studies and Research Group Paulo Freire (CE / UFES).


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Dossiê Temático: "Democratização da escola em tempos de privação de direitos"