
  • Denise Regina Costa Aguiar University Brazil/SP, Brazil



Elementary Education. Emancipatory Critical Curriculum. Learning


The research aimed to investigate the precepts that preside the curricular structure in a critical-emancipatory conception and to analyze a political-pedagogical proposal for elementary school that considers cultural diversity, existing social inequality and the right of all children to learning in the public school. It is a change in the logic of the school, a socio-historical-cultural process, envisioning to build public popular and democratic school with social quality. The social function of the school aims at the acquisition of knowledge and values, human formation and citizen training, the right to voice, participation, reinvention of the world and has as a horizon the construction a fairest school. Finally, popular education and the critical-emancipatory curricular structure condition a radical change in the organizational structure in the daily life of the school and in the proposal of public policy management, in a system of education.

Author Biography

Denise Regina Costa Aguiar, University Brazil/SP, Brazil

PHD in Education (Curriculum) from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP  He is part of the research group of the Paulo Freire / PUCSP Chair, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Saul. Teacher and Researcher of the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program. Master's Degree in Environmental Sciences and the undergraduate course at the University Brasil / SP.


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Dossiê Temático: "Democratização da escola em tempos de privação de direitos"