Responsibility and Innovation in Research. Research Participant. Science in the Square.Abstract
The text presents the results of the analysis of the experience called Science in the Square, held in the State of Ceará, in the first half of 2017. The present work was based on the following question: - what are the challenges for the implementation of the Responsibility and Innovation in Research (RRI)? In search of answers, it was established as a general objective, to explore the action ‘Science in the Square’, from the approach RRI. The methodology contributed to elaborate a descriptive field study, through participant observation, semi-structured questionnaire and word cloud to identify initial perceptions regarding the theme. It was concluded that it is necessary to rethink new curricular approaches to disseminate knowledge, with RRI being an important instrument to overcome invisibilization, to overturn curricular asymmetries and to promote engagement through participatory dialogues.References
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