National Common Core Curriculum, Critical English Language Teaching, Critical Pedagogy.Abstract
Considering the importance of recognizing the political-ideological aspect inherent to English language teaching and learning, this study aimed at investigating in which ways the English language is conceived in the National Common Core Curriculum – known by the acronym BNCC (BRASIL, 2017). More specifically, it analyzed whether the conception of English language teaching advocated by the BNCC aims to promote critical consciousness (FREIRE, 1970) so as to contribute to the education of critical citizens who can act upon their contexts, in view of social justice, as postulated by the Critical Pedagogy theory (FREIRE, 1970; CROOKES, 2013) and emphasized by previous educational documents. To this end, the BNCC document finalized in 2017 was analyzed, more specifically the sections that refer to the English language in Elementary Education. It is, therefore, a qualitative research, based on documentary analysis, in the light of the theory of Critical Pedagogy (FREIRE, 1970; GIROUX, 1983; SHOR, 1992) and Critical English Language Teaching (CROOKES, 2013; PESSOA, 2014). The analysis undertaken points out that the document seems to suggest a critical view regarding the role of the English language (by emphasizing its status as a lingua franca, its plurality, and the importance of its different registers), but it does not really problematize it (or discuss how to do it) from a critical perspective. Besides, it fails in presenting clear definitions for such concepts, and it explores ideas of citizenship, such as equity and equality, in a limited way. When it comes to wider social issues, an erasure of social problems was identified, which are not presented as an object of study of the curricular unit.References
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