K-12 teachers’ knowledge Appropriation and Mobilization in a training course in computational thinking
teacher training, computational thinking, BNCC, content analysisAbstract
The debate on the introduction of Computational Thinking (CT) in curricular activities intensified with its inclusion in the National Curricular Common Base in Brazil. However, there are still no specific indications on how to effectively integrate CT into the school curriculum. This work aimed to understand how Mathematics and Informatics teachers (final years of K-12 education) put into practice the knowledge they learned from a course in CT. A descriptive quali-quantitative study was carried out with 49 teachers, providing an analysis of their productions and interviews. The study showed that teachers are aware of the need to work with CT concepts with students, despite the difficulty of integrating such concepts into curricular activities. In the projects carried out, the best results were achieved when Mathematics and Informatics teachers worked together.
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