Use of Non-Verbal Gesture Communication in Degree Curricula in Science and Mathematics
a Curriculum proposal
gestural nonverbal communication, gestures, curriculum, bachelor’s degreesAbstract
Gestures are present in our daily lives and are an expression of language considered universal and spontaneous. Teachers and students use gestures to communicate naturally, including in science and math classes. In view of this, the present article aims to investigate how non-verbal gestural communication can dialogue with the curricula of degrees in Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Biological Sciences) and Mathematics, considering it one of the important skills that the undergraduate student must develop in Initial formation. Of a theoretical-bibliographical nature, this research searched digital databases about the real impact and relevance of gestures in classrooms and how it can be included. Therefore, this article presents reflections on the undergraduate curriculum in Brazil and a proposal to include non-verbal gesture communication in the curricula of Science and Mathematics undergraduate degrees
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