Open Educational Resources and the Challenge of (Not)Knowing
a Still Recurring Scenario
open educational resources, open education, unfamiliarity, challenge, researchAbstract
The Open Education movement and Open Educational Resources (OER) have been increasingly discussed. However, they still face many challenges in promoting the acculturation necessary for their effective adoption. Thus, the objective of the present paper is to discuss one of the challenges identified as the root cause of the slow popularization of OER: the lack of knowledge about them. Through quantitative and qualitative research applied in a scenario constituted, for the most part, by basic education teachers in Brazil, it was found a low level of knowledge in the main skills necessary to understand and work with OER: to define, identify and know how and where to find them. Such results, that corroborate other large studies, point to a need to formulate public policies and incentive actions to understand the philosophy of openness.
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