An analysis of student agency in texts of Mathematics Education


  • Edmar Reis Thiengo Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Espírito Santo: Vitória, ES, BR
  • Felipe Machado Teixeira Couto SME RJ



Colonialism, Student agency, Social justice, Analytical elements


This study aims to understand how colonial structures manifest and influence the concepts that deal with student agency in reference articles in the field of mathematics education. To this end, it analyzed student agency in mathematics education from the perspective of social justice, using as reference the contributions of Rochelle Gutiérrez and Jo Boaler, in addition to the notion of coloniality of power and knowledge proposed by Catherine Walsh. The methodology involved critical analysis that seeks to understand and question the structures of domination and power, based on the works of authors such as Eric Gutstein, Imani Goffney, Rochelle Gutiérrez, and Melissa Boston, Ubiratan D’Ambrósio, Marilyn Frankenstein, and Paola Valero, aiming to identify nuances and contradictions in relation to student agency. The main results revealed that even authors committed to social justice can reproduce hierarchical and oppressive views regarding students. Colonial structures were identified in various aspects, including the attribution of power and authority to the teacher, the reproduction of Eurocentric narratives, and the limitation of student agency. The critical analysis also highlighted the importance of considering how mathematics education can generate selection, exclusion, and segregation. The conclusions point to the need to deconstruct the colonial structures in education and promote a critical and reflective approach. It is essential to value the experiences, perspectives, and knowledge of students and thus build a more inclusive, equitable, and empowering mathematics education. The student agency should be strengthened and enable them to become active agents in the construction of knowledge and the fight for social justice.


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Author Biographies

Edmar Reis Thiengo, Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Espírito Santo: Vitória, ES, BR

Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Espírito Santo, working in the Mathematics Education program and the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (Educimat/Ifes). Completed a Postdoctoral internship in the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Teaching at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PEMAT/UFRJ). PhD in Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes), the same institution where they earned a Master's degree in Education, conducting research in the field of History of Mathematics; Licensed in Science and Mathematics from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Letters of Carangola (MG). Member of the Permanent Affirmative Action Committee of the Postgraduate Programs at Ifes; was Coordinator of the Education program at Ifes, Vitória campus (2015-2019); was Coordinator of the Mathematics Area (2019-2021); Coordinator of the Pedagogical Residency Program (2018-2019; 2022-2023). Leader of the Inclusive Mathematics Education Research Group (GPEMI) and the Education, History, and Diversity Research Group (GPEHDi), conducting research in the field of Mathematics Education and its relationships with historically excluded individuals. Coordinator of Working Group 13 of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education (GT13 of SBEM): Difference, Inclusion, and Mathematics Education (2021-2024).

Felipe Machado Teixeira Couto, SME RJ

Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from UERJ (2008). Specialist in Educational Technologies for Mathematics from LANTE/UFF (2011). Master's degree in Mathematics from IMPA/PROFMAT (2015). Currently holds a permanent position as a Professor I at SME/Rj.


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How to Cite

THIENGO, E. R.; COUTO, F. M. T. An analysis of student agency in texts of Mathematics Education. Educação Matemática Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 25, n. 4, p. 214–233, 2023. DOI: 10.23925/1983-3156.2023v25i4p214-233. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



Mathematics education of historically marginalized people in the school context