Was ist dein Lieblingswort auf Deutsch?
exploring morphology as a critical and metacognitive teaching tool for vocabulary acquisition in the German language
German teaching, Vocabulary, Morphology, Mind Map, Visual LiteracyAbstract
This article presents a didactic proposal for teaching vocabulary in the context of German as an additional language (GAL) in the Brazilian academic context. The proposal suggests developing didactic approaches with examples of word formation, specifically word composition and lexical derivation. In this sense, it explores critical approaches and metacognitive strategies, such as the reception and production of mind maps and the promotion of inferences with complex meaning, which foster more awareness of the studied language (Nation, 2001; Neves, 2007; Hall, 2016; Aquino, 2020). Therefore, our main goal is to present an alternative for vocabulary teaching through logical and creative morphology associations (Vizmuller-Zocco, 1985). The results indicate the relevance of such strategies for a deeper and more lasting comprehension of German vocabulary, while promoting a more participative learning process for future GAL educators.
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