Key multi-word terms in a language teacher education journal

uma análise de termos-chave em uma revista de formação de professores


  • Wesley Henrique Acorinti Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Marine Laísa Matte Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Simone Sarmento Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Mots-clés :

language teacher education, teaching methodologies, key multi-word terms, Corpus Linguistics


The Bem Legal Journal (BLJ) serves as a developmental platform for pre- and in-service teachers (Welp et al., 2020) to shape their identity as teacher-author-educators while improving language education (Garcez & Schlatter, 2017). This article aims to expand upon the work of Welp et al. (2020) by identifying the topics covered in BLJ articles through the extraction of key multi-word terms (KMWT), a type of keyword that consists of two or more words and appears more frequently in the corpus of study when contrasted to a reference corpus (Kilgarriff et al., 2014). The corpus of study comprises all English-written BLJ articles, while The Warwick ELT Journal serves as the reference corpus. The "Keyword & Term" tool in Sketch Engine (Kilgarriff et al., 2014) was used to extract KMWT and the "Concordance" tool aided in understanding their meanings in the corpus of study. The analysis of the 95 KMWT extracted revealed seven categories with project-based pedagogy emerging as the preferred teaching methodology. This study sheds light on the topics and teaching approaches covered in BLJ and may offer valuable insights for language educators seeking to enhance their professional development.


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Comment citer

Acorinti, W. H., Matte, M. L., & Sarmento, S. (2023). Key multi-word terms in a language teacher education journal: uma análise de termos-chave em uma revista de formação de professores. The ESPecialist, 44(2), 60–82. Consulté à l’adresse