Studying relationships of technology in curriculum research
a network approach to connections and collaborations
social network analysis, information and communication technologies, scientific collaboration, curriculum, knowledge buildingAbstract
This study aimed to characterize relationships in publications about Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the e-Curriculum Journal using Social Network Analysis (SNA) as a theoretical and methodological framework. From the SNA, three networks were constructed: (i) keyword co-occurrence, (ii) Higher Education institutions’ collaborations, and (iii) coauthorship. The analytical results indicated an articulation between keywords, showing that ICT is in a central position with many connections without being isolated in specific niches. In addition, there was a predominance of work from public and private universities in the Brazilian Southeast region and collaboration with institutions geographically nearby. Alternatively, a highly fragmented coauthorship network shows the predominance of authors with doctoral degrees. Lastly, the networks formed are similar to those in other social research areas.
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