
  • Deadline extension to the special issue: Theoretical frameworks for discussing mathematical knowledge and knowing mobilized and produced by teachers who teach mathematics in secondary school. New date: 20/05/2024


    Extension of the deadline for submitting articles, the new deadline is 20/05/2024

    In recent decades, specific mathematics of teachers’ actions –which differs from that practiced by other professionals such as engineers, architects, economists, and even mathematicians– has been widely discussed nationally and internationally.

    Based on studies such as Shulman’s (1986), different models for the knowledge of teachers who teach mathematics were developed, among which we can highlight some examples. Ball, Thames, and Phelps (2008) typified the mathematics teachers’ specificity as “mathematical knowledge for teaching.” Based on a sociological approach, Adler and Davis (2006; 2011) investigated “how” specific mathematics for teaching is constituted, produced in and through practice, and “what” principles legitimize it. Davis and Renert (2014) propose mathematics for teaching as a participatory disposition learned collectively, in which a “deep” understanding of mathematics emerging from practice is seen as a way of supporting teachers in the development of their work –work that cannot be developed by an individual in isolation, but only collaboratively.

    Given this scenario, we invite the scientific community to publicize research on the theme “Theoretical frameworks for discussing mathematical knowledge and knowing mobilized and produced by teachers who teach mathematics in secondary school.”

    Our main goal is to present mathematics mobilized and produced by teachers and the theoretical frameworks supporting such investigations in the mathematics education research community.

    This call is open to researchers who carry out investigations on the topic and are interested in comparing different theories of mathematics mobilized and produced by teachers, highlighting the specificities of the theories they use, if applicable, or that bring about new contributions to the debate.


    The journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa

    Through free access to its content, the quarterly journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa (EMP) provides a global space for disseminating scientific research in the area. EMP has contributed to it for many years, achieving international recognition for its excellence. Researchers interested in contributing to an original publication in this special issue must prepare and send the text according to the journal’s rules. Please note that approved articles written in Portuguese Spanish and French must be in English to be published. Articles with up to three authors will be accepted, and at least one of the authors of the article MUST HAVE A Ph.D. in mathematics education or related areas. Articles to be submitted can be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, or French and must comply with the magazine’s standards and template. Scientific articles and theoretical essays submitted for this edition must fully comply with the EMP standards in the Guidelines for Authors. However, systematic literature review articles will not be accepted for this special issue. For more information: Articles must be submitted in the section “Theoretical frameworks for discussing mathematical knowledge and knowing mobilized and produced by teachers who teach mathematics in secondary school.” Deadlines and review process

    Participation in this special issue is open to researchers in the field and guests.

    One or more reviews may be necessary, depending on the reviewers’ feedback. The review process will be ad hoc by members of WG 7 – Education of Teachers who Teach Mathematics of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education (Sbem) or external guests with expertise on the topic.

    Special issue schedule:

    • May 1st, 2024: deadline for papers submission.
    • May 20th to July 15th, 2024: assessment by reviewers.
    • July 16th to August 30th, 2024: feedback to authors for the requested adjustments.
    • September 1st, 2024: deadline for authors to return the final version of the papers (papers not submitted by this date will be sent for publication in the journal’s regular issues).
    • September 2nd to 30th, 2024: return of papers revised and translated into English.
    • September 30th to October 30th, 2024: organization and editing of accepted papers.

    The publication of the special issue is scheduled for November 2024.

    Guest Editors (leaders of the research developed by GT7): Prof. Dr. Flávia Cristina de Macêdo Santana (UEFS/Deputy coordinator of GT7), Prof. Dr. Roberta D’Angela Menduni Bortoloti (UESB), Prof. Dr. Victor Augusto Giraldo (UFRJ).

     Publication guidelines

    Articles must be submitted following the journal’s guidelines and template (cf. template menu and authors’ declaration at the link: available on the website:

    References (for references, please consult the journal’s guidelines and template)

    Read more about Deadline extension to the special issue: Theoretical frameworks for discussing mathematical knowledge and knowing mobilized and produced by teachers who teach mathematics in secondary school. New date: 20/05/2024
  • Publication of V. 25 n. 4 (2023): Mathematics education of historically marginalized people in the school context


    A revista Educação Matemática Pesquisa acabou de publicar seu último número do voume 25 sobre o número temático: Educação Matemática de pessoas historicamente marginalizadas no contexto escolar. Os diferentes artigos podem ser encontrado no link:

    Read more about Publication of V. 25 n. 4 (2023): Mathematics education of historically marginalized people in the school context
  • Extension (15/05/2024) of the call forpapers to compose the thematic: How can we develop an epistemological model of reference (EMR) for teaching calculus?


    The deadline for submitting articles has been extended to 15 May 2024. Please find below the terms of this call

    The teaching of calculus has been investigated for decades due to the high dropout and failure rates around the world. In this sense, mathematical education, especially the didactics of mathematics, presents epistemological aspects of knowledge that enable highlighting and understanding of various phenomena in teaching. One of those aspects is the epistemological model of reference (EMR), a relative and provisional system of reference about an object for the researcher to analyze the entire educational system. However, it is crucial to ask: How can we theorize the elaboration of the EMR, and how should we use this EMR?

    This generic questioning can be developed by resuming one or more of the following questions or any other question that the authors consider relevant to the topic of the call.

    • What tools should be used to develop epistemological models of reference?
    • What methods should be adopted to build those models?
    • What criteria should be used to test and evaluate the proposed EMR?

    This call is open to any theoretical structure used in teaching and aims to promote the possibility of comparing different theories of knowledge. In this spirit and to the extent possible, authors are encouraged to highlight the specificities of their knowledge theorizations compared to others. Why did you choose one theorization over another? Are there points of convergence/divergence between different theories?

    Authors are also invited to give substance to their theoretical development, illustrating it with examples of their choice.

    1.2 The journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa

    Educação Matemática Pesquisa (EMP) is a quarterly journal that seeks to support and encourage the global democratization of knowledge through free access to its content. EMP, whose objective is to provide a global space for circulating scientific research in the area, has contributed to it for many years and, therefore, achieved international recognition. Being a journal of excellence in education, it disseminates contemporary themes disclosed in national and international calls for papers and research agendas. It always raises new, relevant, and interesting questions for the development of the area. The works submitted must address important topics that directly or indirectly help mathematics educators, who constitute a community open to plural, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary discussions. For more information, visit:

    1.3 Deadlines and the review process

    Participation in this special issue is open to all researchers. The journal will also include invited researchers.

    The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2024.

    Ad hoc and/or invited reviewers will conduct the review process. There are two types of review: one, when the article proposal is sent directly to the journal, and the other when the organizers invite the authors. For papers submitted via the journal’s website, the process is done through blind review by ad hoc reviewers. In the second case –a guest author– the review is carried out by some other guest authors, according to the principle of “open identity.”

    The review aims, therefore, to establish a constructive dialogue between authors and reviewers to refine the texts and create openings between different theoretical frameworks on the question of the EMR.

    One or more reviewers may be necessary, depending on the circumstances. In either case, acceptance and/or first review must be communicated to the authors by May 30, 2024. The deadline to return the revised article will be June 30, 2024.  

    The edition is scheduled for July/August 2024.

    1.4 Guests/Reviewers participating in the Universal Project

    Participants in the Universal/CNPq Project on the topic are among the guests/reviewers. They are: ICHEC: Pierre Job; UFMS: Sonia Burigato, Jose Luiz Magalhães, and Mustapha Rachid; PUC-SP: Sonia Igliori, Marcio Vieira de Almeida, and Ana Maria Velloso Nobre; USP: Vera Helena Giusti de Souza; UFSP: Rogério Ferreira da Fonseca and Fulvio Bianco Prevot; UFTPR (Londrina): André Luis Trevisan; ENSUP (Mali): Cheick Oumar Doumbia; UFPA: Saddo Ag Almouloud, José Carlos de Souza Pereira, and José Messildo Viana Nunes; UEFS: Jany Goulart; UFBA: Luiz Márcio Santos Farias and Anderson Souza Neves.

    1.5 Guidelines

     According to the journal’s guidelines and template, papers must be in English or French. Accepted articles written in French must present a version translated into English in addition to the original revised version.

    For further information on the other guidelines, please visit the journal’s website:  

    Read more about Extension (15/05/2024) of the call forpapers to compose the thematic: How can we develop an epistemological model of reference (EMR) for teaching calculus?
  • Migração da revista Educação Matemática pesquisa para OPJ 3


    Dear readers and authors of Educação Matemática Pesquiva,

    We ended up migrating to OPJ 3. You may eventually encounter some problems in accessing the journal, in submitting and/or evaluating articles. These potential problems will soon be resolved.

    Thanks for understanding
    Saddo Ag Almouloud and Ana Lucia Manrique (Magazine Managers)

    Read more about Migração da revista Educação Matemática pesquisa para OPJ 3