About the Journal


The journal Mathematics Education Research of the Post-Graduate Studies in Mathematics Education Program, PUC-SP, is published each four months with the aim of providing an international space for disseminating scientific research in the area. For many years it has been contributing with this aim and so reached international recognition. Being known as excellent in the educational area, disseminates contemporaneous themes – divulgated in national and international recent ‘call of papers’ and ‘research agendas’. Besides that it always brings relevant and interesting new questions for the area development. The Mathematics Education Research data base index of the journal are: GeoDados ,EBSCO Publishing, Portal Periódicos CAPES , Mathematics Education , Latindex , PKP-Public Knowledge Project , Bibliografia Brasileira de Educação (MEC-INEP) https://scholar.google.fr/citations?hl=fr&authuser=1&user=_5Tg-u4AAAAJ . The policy adopted in its editorial project gives priority to scientific articles related to Mathematics Education previously unpublished in Brazil and particularly those addressing the lines of research of the program: Mathematics, Curriculum Structure and Teacher Training; History, Epistemology and Didactics of Mathematics and Information Technologies and the Didactics of Mathematics. The priority given to the described lines is not restricted to theoretical references, on the contrary, it is hoped that the journal will reflect the diversity that characterizes research in Mathematics Education. So, it receives historical, philosophical, epistemological, cultural, curricular, didactical and psychological papers, among several others about Mathematics, that have the Mathematics Education in its various modalities as their main focus. The editors also encourage the submission of articles which open dialogues among Mathematics Education and related areas, such as Education, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Mathematics, Epistemology, History of Mathematics or Education or Mathematics Education, Educational Psychology, among others. Articles will be presented always in the original language of submission with abstracts in Portuguese and other among the languages: Spanish, English or French. In order to be selected, articles should receive two favorable reviews. Referees will be preferable chosen from the editorial committee, but the articles can also be reviewed by ad hoc reviewers. Authors will receive copies of the reviews.


Researchers from PEPG in Mathematical Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), belonging to the research groups “Elementary and Higher in Mathematics” and “Digital Technologies in Mathematics Education” accredited by CNPq have considered the Theory of the Didactic Documentary Approach (ADD) as a reference in their research. Theses and dissertations guided by them have been grounded by this Theory. Luc Trouche, one of its authors, collaborates with at the PUC-SP in training activities and participation in newsstands. In 2021 in particular, he coordinates a set of 10 Seminars on ADD within the scope of the (PIPRINT-PG) INCENTIVE PLAN FOR THE INTERNATIONALIZATION PROGRAM FOR POST-GRADUATION, EDITORIAL PIPRINT-PG 9302/2020 from PUC-SP. We highlight that ADD has representations all over the world and, at the meeting “RE (S) SOURCES 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE” held in Lyon -France, 26 countries met. In Brazil, ADD is considered in surveys by Federal Universities in the North, Northeast and West, in addition to PUC-SP, in the Southwest.

In order to contribute to the wide dissemination and discussion of investigations by Brazilian and foreign researchers who are interested in ADD and related theories, the Revista Educação Matemática Pesquisa (ISSN 1983-3156) opens space for the publication of a thematic issue, to be published in December 2021. The editors responsible for the edition are the invited researchers Luc Trouche and Marcio Vieira de Almeida and Sonia Igliori. The Revista Educação Matemática Pesquisa is evaluated by Capes, with Qualis A2, in the area of Teaching.

Articles in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French that present research within the scope of ADD and related such as Instrumental Orchestration, among others, will be accepted.

Each author may submit one, and only one, article proposal, either as the main author or co-author, with a maximum of 4 authors per article.

The deadline for submitting originals is October 10, 2021, with no possibility of extension.

The texts must be submitted directly, by the author (s) on the magazine's SEER platform (http://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/emp ), in which the rules for the preparation of the texts are also available and the file with the template that should be used (http://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/emp/article/view/5604/docx).

In Step 1 of the online submission process, the author (s) must choose the section “Submission of articles to the thematic issue on the“ Documental Approach to Didactics ”, so that the article is forwarded to the editors guests. If there is no such identification, the article will go through the journal's regular evaluation process.

Questions on the thematic edition can be sent to the email sigliori@pucsp.br.

 Sonia Barbosa Camargo Igliori (EPM editor).

Luc Trouche (Guest editor).

Marcio Vieira de Almeida (Guest editor).


  • Marcio Almeida
  • Saddo Almouloud
  • Sonia Igliori
  • Ana Lúcia Manrique
  • Luc Trouche

Process of evaluation and selection of articles.

The selection of each article depends on an evaluation, the possibility of strict compliance with deadlines and comparison with other articles, when for a given volume more than one work from the same institution is submitted. The evaluation is done through the approval of two out of three reviewers, selected by a member of the internal editorial board, designated to accompany the entire evaluation process of that article. This selects two reviewers from the internal editorial board and one from the external or ad hoc editorial board, who receives the blind article (without the authors' names) with a fixed deadline for issuing the evaluation report, which must include not only opinions, but substantiated positions and recommendations for improving what is aimed at reformulation. The designated editor then writes an appreciative text, with appropriate and relevant excerpts of the opinions received, in quotation marks, without making it clear who the evaluators would have been and sends it to the authors to proceed with the requested changes within one week. In the event of a return within a week, the designated editor returns the revised work to the referees, to confirm whether the changes were met satisfactorily or if there was a satisfactory justification for the changes not being met. They must proceed with the return to the designated editor, within a week, indicating whether the reformulation satisfied them or not and the reason. The designated editor issues a final opinion and passes the process (the versions of the work delivered by the authors, all opinions, appraisals and feedback, including a final opinion from him) to the editors working in the biennium for examination, issuing the final institutional opinion for sending to the authors and archive. The editors, according to the planning and progress of the evaluation process of the set of submitted works, can accept the article for that volume, indicate for a next volume, or request a new submission after meeting the requirements indicated in the evaluation process.



The journal Mathematics Education Research is a quarterly publication, and the journal's items will be published collectively when the abstract is ready.


This journal offers immediate free access to its content, 
following the principle that making free scientific knowledge
available to the public provides greater democratization of
knowledge worldwide.


The journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa is committed to ensuring the highest ethical standards in publication.

To this end, we uphold the following principles, based on the Code of Conduct and Standards of Good Practice for Journal Editors, made available by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors' responsibilities

Reviewers' responsibilities

Editors' responsibilities


  • Ensure that there is consensus among all the co-authors in the approval of the final version of the article and its subsequent submission to the Educação Matemática Pesquisa journal for publication.
  • Refrain from submitting the same article simultaneously to more than one publication and from submitting several similar and/or less relevant manuscripts, based on the same research (fragmentation of publications).
  • Limit the list of authors exclusively to those who have contributed significantly to the conception, project, execution and interpretation of the reported study and do not include ghost authors and 'guests'. Other people who have participated only in certain aspects of the research project should be recognised in the text only as collaborators.
  • Present a work carried out with rigour, including an objective discussion of its meaning. The data underlying the research must be presented accurately in the article. Forged or falsified data and fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate statements constitute unethical and unacceptable behaviour that will lead the Editorial to act in accordance with the COPE flowcharts, including asking the authors' employers, the institutions where the research was carried out, their funding agencies or an appropriate body, to open an investigation.
  • Refrain from taking ideas or works of other authors without giving them due credit. Including a phrase from someone else's manuscript, or even of its own authorship without the corresponding citation, is considered plagiarism and constitutes a crime provided for in Law 9.610 (Intellectual Property Law) and art. 184 of the Brazilian Penal Code. The reviewers are attentive to redundant publication (fragmentation of publications), as well as plagiarism, and the Editorial board of the journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa uses computer tools to detect them. Cases of suspected misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with COPE flowcharts.
  • Discriminate any potential financial or other conflict of interest that is relevant to all authors when submitting an article.
  • Immediately notify the Editorial board of the Educação Matemática Pesquisa jounal if you discover a significant error or inaccuracy in your own published work and cooperate with the Editors to correct it or, if unavoidable, withdraw the article from the publication.


  • Immediately inform the Editorial board of  Educação Matemática Pesquisa if they do not feel able to analyse the research described in the article or if they know that their reviews will not be able to meet the defined deadlines, so that alternative reviewers can be contacted.
  • Refrain from reviewing articles in which there are conflicts of interest derived from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or links with any of the authors, companies, or institutions related to them, immediately informing the Editorial board of the journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa, so that it is possible to contact alternative reviewers.
  • Structure their opinions objectively and constructively, with comments written in a clear and courteous way, and based on supporting scientific arguments, so that the authors can use them to improve their article.
  • Review articles based solely on their content and independently of other factors such as race, age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs, nationality, political orientation, or social class of the authors.
  • Treat all articles received in the field of scientific peer review as confidential documents and keep any privileged information or ideas obtained through scientific peer review confidential, never using them for personal gain.
  • Immediately inform the Editorial board of Educação Matemática Pesquisa journal in case of detecting any violation of the publication ethics by the authors of the work under their review, including cases of suspected plagiarism, redundant publication (fragmentation of the publications).


  • Ensure that the process of scientific arbitration of the articles presented to Educação Matemática Pesquisa is anonymous (double-blind peer review), fair and impartial and that all information related to them, including authors' and reviewers' identities, remain confidential.
  • Ensure that all articles and research reviews are reviewed by two anonymous Phd referees and with competence in the research area of the work, and free of conflicting interests, respecting the requests of the authors that an individual not be a reviewer of their presentation, if these are well-founded and viable.
  • Ask reviewers to be vigilant for ethical issues and potential flaws in research and publication, including unethical research design, insufficient detail on patient consent or protection of the research topic, and inappropriate handling and presentation of data, plagiarism, and redundant publication (fragmentation of publications).
  • Require reviewers to disclose any potential conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or links with any of the authors, companies, or institutions related to them before accepting or reviewing a submission, ensuring that the readers are informed about them, as well as correcting the publication if conflicting interests are revealed after the publication.
  • Maintain systems to detect plagiarised text when suspicions arise.
  • Ensure that the acceptance or rejection of a document for publication is based solely on the importance, originality, clarity, validity, and relevance of the study for the standard of the journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa. Check that all research has been approved by an appropriate research ethics committee.
  • Ensure that authors have an appeal mechanism against editorial decisions and are always ready to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies, when necessary and to justify any significant deviation from the review processes described.
  • Publish and periodically review instructions for authors and reviewers and provide details on how to handle suspected cases of misconduct, such as COPE flowcharts.
  • Monitor the performance of the reviewers and take measures to ensure that it is of a high level, as well as that the reviewers' background reflects the community of the journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa. Stop using reviewers who consistently produce rude, low-quality, or outdated reviews. Add new reviewers as needed, drawing on a wide range of sources (not just personal contacts) to identify potential new reviewers, such as author suggestions and bibliographic databases.
  • In case of suspicion or allegation of misconduct, both in relation to published works and those still under review, act according to the COPE flowcharts:
  1. Do not just reject documents that raise concerns about possible misconduct.
  2. Request a response from suspected misconduct. If the answer is not satisfactory, request the authors' employers, the institutions where the research was carried out, their funding agencies, or an appropriate body to open an investigation.
  3. Make all reasonable efforts to ensure that a proper investigation into the alleged misconduct is carried out.
  • Assume responsibility for everything published in Educação Matemática Pesquisa journal and defend freedom of expression, as well as prevent commercial interests from compromising the ethical standards of Educação Matemática Pesquisa.


The Educação Matemática Pesquisa journal follows a policy of encouraging the exchange of research data, so that this does not violate the privacy of the participating subjects or other relevant ethical issues.

Why share data?

The data are a key result of the research activity and, therefore, all the data used in an article must be duly cited, just like articles from scientific journals, figures, or papers presented at congresses, even if they are their own.

There is a worldwide trend in which a growing number of funding agencies are making research data sharing a requirement. It is also becoming increasingly common for some knowledge areas to make their research data publicly available, ensuring transparency and reproducibility.

Data sharing has several benefits:

  • The public exchange of data improves the robustness of the research process, supporting the validation, transparency of the research, and the replication and verification of results. This, in turn, can promote scientific discovery and knowledge.
  • Data sharing facilitates collaboration and can lead to its reuse with greater opportunities to perform meta-analyses and extract new results.
  • Depositing data in a repository that produces a permanent identifier, such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), allows authors to cite the data set, allowing researchers to receive due credit for their work.
  • Data storage enables long-term preservation.
  • Data warehousing helps track the impact and reuse of data sets.
  • Data storage makes it easier for readers to understand your work better.
  • The public availability of research data helps translate research into practice.
  • The public availability of data increases the possibility that the work will be discovered.

Data repositories

Where should I deposit data?

A data repository is a storage space for researchers to deposit data sets associated with their research. Authors who want to adhere to a daily data sharing policy will need to identify suitable repositories for their data.

NOTE: Remember that data exchange should always be done so as not to violate the privacy of the participating subjects or other relevant ethical issues.

We encourage authors to select a data repository that issues a persistent identifier, preferably a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and has a robust preservation plan in place to ensure that data is permanently preserved. Also, Educação Matemática Pesquisa journal supports Force 11 Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles , which recommends that data citations be understandable to human beings and, at the same time, automatically readable and actionable by computers.

We also recommend, whenever possible, depositing the data in a repository relevant to your area of expertise and that is accredited by your community. The FAIRsharing and re3data.org sites can be used to search for a suitable certified data repository.

Note that there are very few repositories for the Teaching Research Area and none of them are certified by the re3data.org  website, nor are they considered to support a repository standard.

In the absence of a specific repository for our area, general repositories such as the following can be considered, although not all of them offer guarantees that the data will be kept permanently:

Data exchange policies

Our policies basically encourage authors to:

  • deposit their research data in a repository that issues a persistent identifier, preferably a Digital Object Identifier (DOI),
  • include a Data Availability Statement in the text, explaining where and how other people can access and use that data, and
  • cite this data availability in the text of the article and in the reference list.

Educação Matemática Pesquisa offers the following standardised data exchange policies in our issues:

  • Not applicable: if it is a theoretical work in which there has been no data creation or analysis.
  • Availability by reasonable request: authors agree to make their data available upon reasonable request from a reader. It is up to the authors to determine whether a request is reasonable or not.
  • Available: the authors make the data available as "supplementary files" at the time of submission of the article.
  • Publicly available: authors make their data publicly available for free, but cannot be reused, eg., under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license.
  • Open data: authors make their data available to the public for free, under a license that allows reuse by any third party for lawful purposes, eg., under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. The data must be easily located and fully accessible.
  • Open according to the FAIR standards (available, accessible, interoperable and reusable): the authors make their data available to the public for free, under a license that allows its reuse by any third party for lawful purposes. Also, the data must be formatted to comply with the 11 FAIR data principles, as established in the corresponding subject area.

Data availability statement

When submitting your article to the journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa, the text will be requested to contain a Data Availability Statement.

A data availability statement is crucial to indicate where the data associated with a document is available and under what conditions (licenses) the data can be accessed, including links (where applicable) to the data set.

The following table contains the models to be used, according to the shared use license adopted.

Note: As a data availability statement can reveal your identity, the editor will take care of removing it from the main text before sending it to the reviewers.


Data sharing is not applicable to this article, as no new data has been created or analysed in this study.

The data supporting the results of this study will be made available by the corresponding author, [initials of the corresponding name], upon reasonable request.

The data supporting the results of this study are available as 'supplementary files' on the website of the journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa.

The data supporting the results of this study are only available for consultation at [site name] through the link [list resources and URLs], but cannot be reused.

The data supporting the results of this study are openly available at [repository name] through DOI http://doi.org/[doi]. This data was derived from the following resources available in the public domain: [list resources and URLs] [if applicable]

The data supporting the results of this study are openly available at [repository name] through DOI http://doi.org/[doi] in a format that can be automatically read and processed by computer. This data was derived from the following resources available in the public domain: [list resources and URLs] [if applicable]