Relationships with mathematics: understandings of researchers in the field of Mathematics Education




Relation to knowledge, Philosophical currents, Social practice, Sociocultural aspect


The objective of this article is to investigate elements that characterize relationships with mathematics, pointed out by researchers of stricto sensu productions developed based on the theoretical contribution of the relation to knowledge. For that, it follows a qualitative approach guided by principles of content analysis. Data production involves the analysis of stricto sensu works identified through a mapping that composes a national panorama in three repositories: REPERES, BDTD and Capes Catalogue, in addition to three interviews and 13 questionnaires, answered by authors and/or supervisors of some of these dissertations and theses. The data systematization is done in five categories created a posteriori, namely: philosophical currents; scientific and school knowledge; interdisciplinary aspects; sociocultural aspects, and social practices. Among the results, we observed that all subjects consider mathematics as a human creation, highlighting, mainly, influences on the development of society resulting from knowledge built by different social groups. It is also possible to identify understandings referring mathematical knowledge as scientific and school-related, but such denomination has a more relevant potential in a didactic point of view, rather than a conceptual one. Regarding the philosophical currents logicism, formalism and intuitionism, it appears that logicism gained greater prominence, through the characterization of nature and mathematical structures; Understandings referring to school and scientific mathematical knowledge are also identified, but this denomination has a more relevant potential from a didactic than a conceptual point of view. As for the mathematical language, there are incidences linked to formalism, interdisciplinary, sociocultural aspects and in school and scientific mathematics. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the humanist perspective linked to social practices and sociocultural aspects are the most frequently established relationships.


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How to Cite

LOVIS, C.; DE CÁSSIA PISTÓIA MARIANI, R. Relationships with mathematics: understandings of researchers in the field of Mathematics Education . Educação Matemática Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 24, n. 2, p. 497–534, 2022. DOI: 10.23925/1983-3156.2022v24i2p497-534. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Especial issue: Filosofia da Educação Matemática 2022