Learning of Teachers Teaching Mathematics Mediated by Participation in Teacher Literacy Practices
Learning, Literacy practices, Training of teachers who teach mathematics, Participation, Negotiation of meaningsAbstract
This article aimed to identify and analyze the learning of teachers who teach Mathematics mediated by participation in teaching literacy practices. To this end, inspired by a sociocultural perspective of literacy and by constructs of the Social Theory of Learning, we use a qualitative approach to promote a theoretical understanding of teachers’ learning, when making use of reading and writing practices in the context of study meetings and lesson planning for the final years of elementary school, in a public school system. The data were produced through observations, interviews, and analysis of documents. The results indicate that there were learnings related to reading and discussing texts, reading and analyzing tasks, and the elaboration of class narratives. The analysis suggests that these learnings were constitutive of the organization of the reading and writing practice itself, what is read and written, how it was carried out in that context, and how it impacted the teaching practice.
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