Analysis of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching in a Lesson Study
a way to produce Professional Learning Tasks
Teaching mathematics, Mathematical knowledge for teaching, Lesson study, Professional learning tasks, Elementary schoolAbstract
This research has two objectives: (i) to analyze the mathematical knowledge for teaching mobilized by a teacher when she participates in a Lesson Study cycle; and (ii) present the process of constructing a Professional Learning Task (PLT), developed from authentic samples of practice obtained from data produced during a Lesson Study cycle. Based on the theoretical framework of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT), the analyses were carried out from data produced in the context of continuing education for teachers who teach Mathematics in Elementary School. Thus, based on the MKT subdomains, the analyses consider data produced at each moment of a Lesson Study cycle: collective planning of a class, development of this class by a teacher, Maria, in her 5th grade class of Elementary School, and reflection of this class. After this analysis, we elaborated a PLT whose objective is to promote mathematical and didactic-pedagogical discussions to mobilize subdomains of the MKT for the teaching of rational numbers in the early years. The results indicate that the Lesson Study, an approach to teacher education closely related to practice, provides opportunities for the development/refinement of the MKT, as verified from the subdomains mobilized by teacher Maria. This research also suggests a way to produce a PLT, using authentic samples of practice from the three moments of the Lesson Study cycle, including the moment of reflection of the class made by teachers while working collaboratively.
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