Microaggressions in the context of teaching and learning of mathematics
a theoretical-conceptual analysis
Microaggressions, Teacher Training, Aversion to Mathematics, Mathematics EducationAbstract
In this work, we conceptualize microaggressions related to mathematics teaching and learning. We seek to elucidate its notion and highlight some manifestations in mathematics education. We highlight recent studies that we have also been conducting, indicating a critical relationship between the experiences of pre-service teachers and in-service teachers who teach mathematics with this phenomenon and the lack of mastery of mathematical content development during classes, which is also related to aversive reactions towards mathematics, which often favors the manifestation of episodes of mathematics anxiety or procrastination. We argue that microaggressions related to mathematics teaching and learning have similar characteristics to racial microaggressions. However, questions about teaching and learning focus specifically on classroom contexts, the established relationships between teacher, student, and knowledge. Those who present difficulties with mathematics, in academic and school environments, often end up being labeled as incapable of learning and go through uncomfortable situations throughout their lives. Because of this, mathematics has an important social prestige. This prestige favors the development of a very intimate relationship between mathematics and power, which is reflected in the school context. Educational considerations are discussed about the impacts of microaggressions on teacher education in relationships with established students under various aspects.
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