Construction of the theory/practice relationship through strategies to overcome the university/school dichotomy




Initial Teacher Training, Mathematics, University/School dichotomy, Relationship theory/practice, Educational policies


This article aims to present the practices carried out in the discipline of Curriculum in Mathematics Education for the insertion of students of the Degree in Mathematics of the Federal University of Pelotas in schools. To this end, it starts with a historical synthesis of Brazilian public policies and their impact on initial teacher training, together with notes about what Nóvoa (2002) designates as dilemmas of the teaching profession, which support the idea that teachers’ illnesses can also be considered a dilemma of the work of these professionals. In this way, we reserve a space in the text to expose the proposition that the sociopolitical and economic context and the functioning mechanisms of schools can contribute to teachers’ illnesses, through educational policies, which are elaborated under the influence of multilateral disseminating organizations. of the neoliberal model. Afterwards, we present an examination of the practices carried out by students of the Degree in Mathematics in educational institutions. Next, we expose our understanding that initial teacher training should allow: the construction of pedagogical knowledge; the student's understanding that their craft requires continuous improvement due to constant social, political, economic, cultural and scientific changes; and the development of practices that allow future teachers to interpret, reinterpret, and systematize their experiences, in order to maintain a continuous process of building their being a teacher.


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Author Biographies

Neslei Nogueira, Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense

Mestrado em Educação Matemática

Denise Nascimento Silveira, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Doutorado em Educação


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How to Cite

NOGUEIRA, N.; NASCIMENTO SILVEIRA, D. Construction of the theory/practice relationship through strategies to overcome the university/school dichotomy. Educação Matemática Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 25, n. 3, p. 026–048, 2023. DOI: 10.23925/1983-3156.2023v25i3p026-048. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 aug. 2024.