Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Elementary School Mathematics Anxiety Scale - Elementary Form - MARS-E into Portuguese/Brazil


  • Moura-Silva UFPA
  • Alves Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Domingues UFPA
  • Cordeiro UFPA
  • Gonçalves UFPA
  • Bento-Torres UFPA
  • Bento-Torres UFPA



Math anxiety, Confirmatory factor analysis, MARS-E, Cross-cultural adaptation


Brazil is among the countries with low mathematical proficiency and does not have validated instruments to measure Mathematics Anxiety (MA), one of the emotional constructs strongly associated with this low proficiency. We translated and validated the Mathematics Anxiety Scale for Elementary School - MARS-E for Brazil. Psychometric data were obtained from 214 students (9 to 12 years old) based on internal consistency and individual parameters of the Item Response Theory (IRT) paradigm. Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed that MA can be explained through two factors: “Mathematics Performance Anxiety (APM)” and “Mathematics Test Anxiety (MTA)”. The internal consistency indicators demonstrated the high precision of the instrument (⍺MPA= 0.875 and ωMPA= 0.857; ⍺MTA= 0.850 and ωMTA= 0.866). Thus, the MARS-E Brazil presents satisfactory psychometric validity parameters based on its internal structure. The individual parameters of the MPA and MTA factors indicate that they adequately measure their respective latent factors.


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Author Biographies

Moura-Silva, UFPA

Professor at the Federal University of Pará. Graduated in Mathematics with a master's and doctorate in Science and Mathematics Education. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGECM/UFPA), member of the Latin American Network of Postgraduate Studies in Education (REDPEL) and leader of the Mathematical NeuroEducation group. He researches topics related to cognitive, emotional and motivational factors in teaching and learning, particularly those associated with mathematical anxiety, mathematical metacognition, neurofeedback, psychophysiology applied to education, neurovisceral integration and training of teachers who teach mathematics. His research is associated with the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 4 (Quality Education), and also advocates for SDG10 (Reduced Inequalities).

Alves, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Terapeuta Ocupacional

Domingues, UFPA

Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education (UEPA). Specialization in Education and Computer Science (UFPA). Specialization in Acupuncture (CBES). Master's Degree in Education and Educational Public Policies (UFPA). PhD in Education in Science and Mathematics (UFPA). Tenured Professor MAG-4 of the Municipal Department of Education (SEMEC). Tenured Professor AD-4 of the State Department of Education (SEDUC). Experience in Teacher Training, Physical Exercise and Cognition, School Physical Education, Adapted Physical Education, Educational Computer Science, Learning Assessment and External Assessment. Participated in the research group "Curriculum, Inclusion and Diversity" in 2009 (UFPA). Participated in the research group "State and Education in the Amazon" (GESTAMAZON) between 2011 and 2013 (UFPA). Participated in the Research Project "Implications of Physical Activity in Children with Mathematical Anxiety" between 2017 and 2021 (PPGECM/UFPA). Currently participates in the research group "Mind, Brain and Education" (PPGECM/UFPA).

Cordeiro, UFPA

He holds a degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Pará (2019) and a master's degree in Human Movement Sciences from the Federal University of Pará (2022). He is a member of the research group "Health, Rehabilitation and Cognition" and is currently participating in the research project EXAM-Exercise and Mathematical Anxiety. His main research interests include physical exercise, executive function, heart rate variability and academic performance.

Gonçalves, UFPA

Graduated in Mathematics from the Federal University of Pará (1976), Master in Science and Mathematics Teaching from the State University of Campinas (1981) and PhD in Mathematics Education from the State University of Campinas (2000). He has been a professor at the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PARÁ since August 1976, currently holding the category of TENURED PROFESSOR. He is a professor/researcher in the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGECM/IEMCI/UFPA) - Masters and Doctorate, since its beginning in 2002 (NPADC). He is also a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education - Amazonian Network of Science and Mathematics Education (REAMEC). He is a Permanent Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching PPGecim at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT). He has experience in the area of ​​Mathematics Education and his field of research focuses on the Training of Trainers and Mathematics Teachers, working mainly on the following topics: mathematics education, teacher training, teaching-learning, teaching mathematics and neuroscience and mathematics education

Bento-Torres, UFPA

She holds a degree in Physiotherapy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2002), a master's degree (2006) and a PhD (2016) in Neuroscience and Cell Biology from the Federal University of Pará, with a sandwich period at Western University (Canada). She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh (2017-2018). She is an associate professor at the Federal University of Pará (2006 - present) and co-founder of the School of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (FFTO/UFPA). She was Director of FFTO (2009-2011), Vice-Director (2018-2019) and is currently vice-coordinator of the Graduate Program in Human Movement Sciences (PPGCMH/UFPA) (2023-present). She is a researcher in the Graduate Programs in Human Movement Sciences (PPGCMH/UFPA) and Care and Clinical Study in Diabetes (PPGDiabetes/UFPA). She is a member of the Leopoldo DeMeis National Network of Education and Science (RNEC) and the National Network of Neuroscience and Physical Activity. She has experience in the area of ​​Health and Physiotherapy Education, with emphasis on Elderly Health and Aquatic Physiotherapy, and her main interests are research related to aging, physical exercise, cognition, chronic non-communicable diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and active teaching methodologies. She is a devoted mother to her daughter and son. E-mail:

Bento-Torres, UFPA

I have a bachelor's degree in physical education from the Federal University of Pará (2003), a master's degree and a PhD in Neuroscience and Cell Biology also from the Federal University of Pará, with a sandwich period at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. I did my postdoctoral studies at the Brain Aging Cognitive Health Lab at the University of Pittsburgh - USA. Since 2006, I have been a permanent professor at the Federal University of Pará and I am currently the Coordinator of the Leopoldo National Network of Education and Science and I am a member of the National Network of Neuroscience and Physical Activity. I am a master's and doctoral advisor in the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education - PPGECM and in the Postgraduate Program in Human Movement Sciences - PPGCMH. I am a co-founder of the Faculty of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - FFTO / UFPA, where I work as a PBL (problem-based learning) Tutor.


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How to Cite

MOURA-SILVA, M. G.; ALVES, I. F. .; DOMINGUES, M. R. de S. .; CORDEIRO, F. B. .; GONÇALVES, T. O. .; BENTO-TORRES, N. V. O.; BENTO-TORRES, J. . Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Elementary School Mathematics Anxiety Scale - Elementary Form - MARS-E into Portuguese/Brazil. Educação Matemática Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 26, n. 4, p. 332–352, 2024. DOI: 10.23925/1983-3156.2024v26i4p332-352. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dec. 2024.