Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of basic education teachers and implications for teacher training
TPACK, innovation in education, curriculum, teacher education, basic educationAbstract
The (post)pandemic context contributed for DICT to move from supporting to protagonists in the pedagogical process, with their limitations and potential being the object of investigation in different spheres. It is essential to pay attention to the teaching role in this context and, more than pointing out gaps in their training or lack of knowledge, it is crucial to establish dialogues and proposals resulting from understandings involving DICT. To this end, we developed a survey with basic education teachers involved in continuing education on educational technologies based on the TPACK framework through a questionnaire about their self-perception regarding content, pedagogical and technological knowledge. Results suggest variations in understanding among different areas of knowledge, especially regarding technological integration and awareness of their practice, with impact on research and curriculum proposals.
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