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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The Educação Matemática Pesquisa magazine publishes works in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. The journal does not charge article processing fees (APC) or submission fees. But all accepted articles will have to have a revised version, necessarily made by the external team of translators/reviewers already accredited by the journal, with the authors bearing the costs of this work, to be published jointly. Values divided by page (about 2,500 characters with spaces) must be consulted directly with each reviewer and/or translator. At the end of the article, the reviewer or translator of the article will be indicated.

List of reviewers who offer discounts for members of SBEM (Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education)


Camila Campos

Eleonora Dantas

Leda Farah ,

Márcia Mariano 

Maria Isabel de Castro Lima

Vera Bonilho , 

Andréa de Freitas Ianni

Drª Noili Demaman  Whatsapp:  (51) 991462500


Drª Noili Demaman  Whatsapp:  (51) 991462500

Denise Negrão Rossi Piva 

Leonardo Spanghero

Maria Isabel de Castro Lima


Drª Noili Demaman  Whatsapp:  (51) 991462500

Leonardo Spanghero

Maria Isabel de Castro Lima 


Drª Noili Demaman  Whatsapp:  (51) 991462500

Saddo Ag Almouloud

1. Researchers interested in contributing an original publication or translation of an article and/or book chapter to this journal should prepare the text and send it according to the following guidelines:

a)  From 2023 on, accepted articles written in Portuguese, Spanish and French will have to present, besides the revised original version, a translated version in English.

b) Accepted articles will have to have a revised version, necessarily done by the external team of translators/revisers already accredited by the journal (See the list in the submission guidelines). The cost of the revision required by the journal for publication will be the responsibility of the authors. The reviewer of the article should be indicated at the end of the article.

c) Each author can publish ONLY ONE ARTICLE PER YEAR.

d) At least one of the authors of the article MUST HOLD A PHD TITLE in Mathematics Education or similar areas.

e) The number of authors per article must be a maximum of four (4)

f) The syntactic, orthographic, and bibliographic corrections, as well as the typing revision are the sole responsibility of the author (s), because, if approved, the article will be published as sent.

g) The clarity and correctness of the language and the pertinence of the writing style are requirements for the reviewers' evaluation.

h) The originals must be sent without the authors names - or any other form of identification - and without numbering of pages, in a document in .docx format, according to the journal's norms.

i) The papers must be submitted through the website of Educação Matemática Pesquisa, at the URL The identification data of the author (s) must be entered in the appropriate fields of the submission, including the full name, name, and address of the institution (including city, state, and country), qualification title of the authors in the biographical summary field and ORCID. The authors' ORCID ID can be easily searched at If any author does not have an ORCID ID, it can be created by accessing this page. Do not use entirely capitalized words for article titles, keywords, names of people or institutions, etc.

j) Formatting: only articles proposed in the template available in the journal's menu and respecting the journal's guidelines will be sent to be evaluated.

k) The authorship of the article submitted must be limited exclusively to those who have contributed significantly to the conception, project, execution, or interpretation of the study reported (see the Code of Conduct and Best Practices in Publication below). Other people who participated only in certain aspects of the research project should be acknowledged in the text-only as collaborators. Each author's contribution must be indicated in a note at the end of the text (see the Authorship Contribution Statement section below).


a) Since April 2020, the journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa has adopted the APA style (norms of the American Psychological Association), 7th edition of its Publication Manual (October 2019), which replaces the 6th edition published in 2009. Access the template available in the "template" menu on the journal's page.

b) The works submitted must have been saved in a Windows Word or RTF file, text in Times New Roman 12, with double spacing between lines and leaving 1 (one) blank line only at the end of each section.

c) The text of the articles must be between 15 and 30 pages.

The presentation must include:

1. Title (in the original language of the article, English and Spanish): Times New Roman font, size 12, in bold, SINGLE spacing between lines and centralized. The initials of the title words must be written in capital letters (except for prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, etc.), both before and after the colon (:) (subtitle). Do not use words entirely in capital letters. The sum of the number of characters INCLUDING the title spaces in the original language of the article and in English, MUST NOT EXCEED 240.

2. Author (s) Name (s): Times New Roman font, size 12, single spacing between lines and centred. Use uppercase/lowercase letters. Do not use words entirely in capital letters. Separate the title by a single space between lines, Times New Roman font, size 12. Each author's name should be placed below the title, as follows: Maria J.F. da Silva and just below the author's name, the following author's data must be inserted: Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) Doutorado em Educação Matemática - PUC-SP, In the footnote: The authors' data must be included after acceptance for publication, in the final version

3. Abstract: the word Abstract must be written in Times New Roman font, size 12, in bold, capital letters, left-aligned, paragraph indentation 1.27 cm. and single spacing. The abstract (in Portuguese or Spanish or French and English) must not exceed 250 words). The abstract must not include references. The abstract must include the research objective, participants, research question, methodology and main results. If it is a theoretical discussion, it must bring clear objectives and articulations foreseen in the work, exactly as the model presented in the template.

4. Keywords: On the same page and right after the abstract, keywords can be added. These are the words, abbreviations and acronyms that allow the work to be referenced. In a new indented line of 1.27 cm, it is necessary to indicate "Keywords:" in italics. In the same line, you must list the keywords (without italics), separated by commas. Do not use words entirely in capital letters.

5. Sections: Times New Roman font, size 12, in bold, double spacing between lines, number the sections, centred, with 12 pts spacing before and after. The entire section title must be written in uppercase/lowercase. Do not use words entirely in capital letters.

6. Tables and figures: According to the APA style, there are only tables and figures:

  • Tables are numeric or text values displayed in rows and columns.
  • Figure is any type of illustration that is not a table: graphs, photographs, drawings, diagrams, flowcharts, maps, organization charts, among others.

7. Tables: Tables must be in accordance with the APA style, with a caption above, containing the word 'Table' (with initial capital letter) followed by a number (from 1, in numerical order) and a period; in the next line, the title of the figure (in italics) and a quote in the text for the source reference (only if it is not your own work), e.g. (Smith, 2010, p. 13). It should appear immediately after your first explicit citation in the text.

8. Figures: Figures must be in accordance with the APA style, with a caption below, containing the word 'Figure' (with initial capital letter) followed by a number (from 1, in numerical order) and a period; the title of the figure and a quote in the text for the source reference (only if it is not your own work), for example, Figure 1. Processo da Gênese instrumental (Trouche, 2005, p. 101). Figures must be clear and with acceptable contrast and resolution (above 300 dpi). Colour images are published in the electronic version of the journal.

9. Author Contribution Statements: Each author's contribution to the development of the study must be indicated in a one-paragraph note at the end of the text (see template available in the journal's environment).

10. Data Availability Statement: A data availability statement must be indicated in a one-paragraph note at the end of the text to signal where the data associated with a document is available and under which conditions (licenses) the data can be accessed, including links (where applicable) to the data set. Consult the models of the Data Availability Statement indicated by the journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa and include the most appropriate statement for the form of availability chosen.

12. Citations and References: must be strictly in accordance with APA style norms. Specifically.

Direct citations (books, articles, and academic papers) are the original phrases of the base author's work. They must contain the author's last name and the date of publication. If it is less than 40 words, the sentence must be included in the main text in quotation marks. Those that exceed this amount must be written in a new block format, with 1.27 cm indentation, size, and font equal to the text and simple spacing. The place of the edition is no longer used in the references.

  • In citations [in the text], the calls by the surname of the author (s), by the responsible institution or title included in the sentence must be in upper and lower case and separated by commas and the conjunction 'e', when the article is in Portuguese and 'and' when the article is in English.
  • When in parentheses, they must be in upper and lower case and separated by commas and by '&'.

For more than five authors, only the first one is indicated, adding the expression 'et al.'


a) The term of evaluation of the article may vary between 1 and 6 months.

b) We warn the authors and readers that the review of the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors.

Normas atualizadas em 08 de maio de 2020

Tradução de artigo ou capítulo de livro

Tradução de artigo ou capítulo de livro

Epistemological reference model (ERM) for teaching calculus

Thematic issue: How to develop an epistemological reference model (ERM) for teaching calculus?

Call for papers to the special issue: Theoretical frameworks for discussing math

Call for papers to the special issue: Theoretical frameworks for discussing mathematical knowledge and knowing mobilized and produced by teachers who teach mathematics in secondary school


The reach of Elementary Number Theory is currently broader than one can imagine. It englobes from the study of patterns and regularities (central issues for Algebraic Thinking) to applications related to security, like Cryptography and digital signatures, algorithm complexity analysis etc.

The reach of Elementary Number Theory is currently broader than one can imagine. It englobes from the study of patterns and regularities (central issues for Algebraic Thinking) to applications related to security, like Cryptography and digital signatures, algorithm complexity analysis etc.

In this context, the proposal of this thematic number of Revista Educação Matemática Pesquisa (ISSN 1983-3156), to be published in August 2023, is to present researches about didactic reflections about topics on Elementary Number Theory and its applications on different areas of knowledge.

The idea is to bring together a collection of articles with research results ranging from the early years of Basic Education to Higher Education. In order to do so, we hope to count on the participation of Brazilian and foreign researchers who are dedicated to this theme.

The invited editors for this edition are professor Barbara Lutaif Bianchini (PUC-SP), professor Gabriel Loureiro de Lima (PUC-SP) and professor Anna Paula de Avelar Brito Lima (Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - UFRPE). It should be noted that this journal is evaluated by the Capes, with Qualis A2, in the teaching area.

Articles in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French that deal with themes related to teaching and learning of Elementary Number Theory and its applications in different possibilities will be accepted. We understand that some centrals may be starting objects in this thematic issue, among which:

  • How should the Elementary Theory of Numbers be worked on in the initial training of Mathematics teachers or pedagogues so that it can effectively support teaching work in Basic Education (up to 16 years of age)?
  • How does the Mathematics teacher or the pedagogue didactically transpose to the context of the Basic Education classroom the concepts of Elementary Theory of Numbers studied in Higher Education?
  • Which concepts are fundamental and which didactic approach with the greatest potential to build them in the formation of the mathematician (Bachelor of Mathematics student)?
  • What are the applications of the Elementary Theory of Numbers present in other areas of knowledge and how is this content or should be worked on in the university education of different professionals (computer scientists, engineers, technology courses in the field of Exact Sciences, among others)?
  • What has been contemplated in national and international research about the teaching and learning of Elementary Number Theory and its applications?

Unpublished articles containing research results can be proposed, as well as reflections with theoretical contributions to investigations in the area, at any level of education. The deadline for receiving contributions is May 30, 2023. Instructions and a tutorial for authors, as well as other relevant information can be found at the address

Each author may submit one, and only one, article proposal, either as main author or co-author.

The texts must be submitted directly, by the author(s) on the platform SEER from Revista ( The rules for writing the texts are also available in the magazine environment ( and the file with the template that must be used (

In Step 1 of the online submission process, the author(s) must choose the section “Submission of articles to the thematic issue “Thematic number – Didactic Reflections on the Elementary Theory of Numbers”, so that the article is forwarded to the editors. All articles will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. Questions about the thematic issue can be sent to the emails or   

Ana Lúcia Manrique (Revista Editor)

Barbara Lutaif Bianchini (Guest Editor)

Gabriel Loureiro de Lima (Guest Editor).

Anna Paula de Avelar Brito Lima (Guest Editor).


The journal Educação Matemática Pesquisa (EMP), published by the Postgraduate Studies Program in Mathematics Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, celebrates its silver jubilee (1999-2023) in 2023.

Aiming to provide a national and international space for the dissemination of scientific research in mathematics education, the EMP journal, over more than two decades of activity, has contributed to this objective and, therefore, has achieved international recognition. Renowned as excellent in the educational area, it disseminates contemporary themes – disclosed in national and international “call for papers” and “research agendas.” The journal always raises new relevant questions for the development of the mathematics education area.

The journal has given priority to scientific articles related to mathematics education unpublished in Brazil and related mainly to the research lines of our program: mathematics, curriculum structure and teacher education, history, epistemology and didactics of mathematics and information technologies. EMP journal reflects the diversity that characterizes research in mathematics education. Its articles focus, among many other themes that are related to mathematics education, on the history of mathematics and history of mathematics education, philosophy of mathematics education, ethnomathematics, epistemology, culture, curriculum, didactics of sciences, teacher education, psychology of mathematics education, statistics and financial education, algebraic education, special and inclusive education, and technologies.

One of the focuses of EMP is to include articles that open dialogues between mathematics education and related areas, such as education, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, mathematics, epistemology, history of mathematics or history of mathematics education, and educational psychology, among others.

We take the opportunity to proudly inform you that Educação Matemática Pesquisa has been rated Qualis A1 by CAPES in the last quadrennium.

Given the above, it is with great joy that we invite you to submit an article with a theme of your free choice to celebrate the 25 years of our journal.

Número Temático: Formação de Professores de Matemática na interface com o Programa Residência Pedagógica 2022

Número Temático:  A pesquisa sobre a Formação de Professores de Matemática na interface com o Programa Residência Pedagógica



O Programa Residência Pedagógica (PRP) tem se consolidado no Brasil enquanto espaço formativo de professores de Matemática (inicial e continuada) e, também, enquanto objeto de investigação focalizando diferentes aspectos como a aprendizagem docente, a identidade profissional e a formação de formadores. Nesse sentido, serão aceitos neste Número Temático artigos inéditos, redigidos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês, que apresentem reflexões teóricas ou resultados de pesquisas, concluídas ou em andamento, que evidenciem o papel do PRP na Formação de Professores de Matemática e, consequentemente, as contribuições para as agendas de pesquisa no campo da Educação Matemática. Cabe ressaltar que não serão aceitos relatos de experiência.


Proposta de Cronograma

Junho de 2021 – início da divulgação do Número Temático

Outubro de 2021 – abertura das submissões

15 de abril de 2022 – encerramento das submissões

Outubro de 2021 a julho de 2022 – processo de avaliação por pares

Julho a setembro de 2022 – recebimento das versões finais dos artigos aprovados

Outubro de 2022 – escrita do Editorial

Dezembro de 2022 – publicação do Número Temático



Prof. Dr. Douglas da Silva Tinti (UFOP)

Prof. Dr. José Fernandes da Silva (IFMG)

Profa. Dra. Ana Lúcia Manrique (PUC-SP)




Researchers from PEPG in Mathematical Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), belonging to the research groups “Elementary and Higher in Mathematics” and “Digital Technologies in Mathematics Education” accredited by CNPq have considered the Theory of the Didactic Documentary Approach (ADD) as a reference in their research. Theses and dissertations guided by them have been grounded by this Theory. Luc Trouche, one of its authors, collaborates with at the PUC-SP in training activities and participation in newsstands. In 2021 in particular, he coordinates a set of 10 Seminars on ADD within the scope of the (PIPRINT-PG) INCENTIVE PLAN FOR THE INTERNATIONALIZATION PROGRAM FOR POST-GRADUATION, EDITORIAL PIPRINT-PG 9302/2020 from PUC-SP. We highlight that ADD has representations all over the world and, at the meeting “RE (S) SOURCES 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE” held in Lyon -France, 26 countries met. In Brazil, ADD is considered in surveys by Federal Universities in the North, Northeast and West, in addition to PUC-SP, in the Southwest.

In order to contribute to the wide dissemination and discussion of investigations by Brazilian and foreign researchers who are interested in ADD and related theories, the Revista Educação Matemática Pesquisa (ISSN 1983-3156) opens space for the publication of a thematic issue, to be published in December 2021. The editors responsible for the edition are the invited researchers Luc Trouche and Marcio Vieira de Almeida and Sonia Igliori. The Revista Educação Matemática Pesquisa is evaluated by Capes, with Qualis A2, in the area of Teaching.

Articles in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French that present research within the scope of ADD and related such as Instrumental Orchestration, among others, will be accepted.

Each author may submit one, and only one, article proposal, either as the main author or co-author, with a maximum of 4 authors per article.

The deadline for submitting originals is October 10, 2021, with no possibility of extension.

The texts must be submitted directly, by the author (s) on the magazine's SEER platform ( ), in which the rules for the preparation of the texts are also available and the file with the template that should be used (

In Step 1 of the online submission process, the author (s) must choose the section “Submission of articles to the thematic issue on the“ Documental Approach to Didactics ”, so that the article is forwarded to the editors guests. If there is no such identification, the article will go through the journal's regular evaluation process.

Questions on the thematic edition can be sent to the email

 Sonia Barbosa Camargo Igliori (EPM editor).

Luc Trouche (Guest editor).

Marcio Vieira de Almeida (Guest editor).

Statistical Education

Número especial :Educação Estatística -Seminário hispano-brasileiro

Esta edição é dedicada à Educação Estatística, mais precisamente aos trabalhos apresentados no seminário internacional promovido pelo GT-12 em parceria com os pesquisadores espanhóis liderados pela Universidade de Granada. Os artigos estão restritos ao grupo de pesquisadores que participou do referido seminário, em maio de 2020, o que inclui o grupo brasileiro do GT-12 e o Grupo FQM-126: Teoría de la Educación matemática y Educación Estadística da Universidade de Granada.

Finalizada - Volume 22 - 4 - Advances of the anthropological theory of the didactic

Advances of the anthropological theory of the didactic

Finalizada - Número temático 2020 - Metodologia de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática: rumos e perspectivas

Chamada de trabalhos – Número Temático 2020

Revista “Educação Matemática Pesquisa” – ISSN 1983-3156

Metodologia de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática

A Revista “Educação Matemática Pesquisa”, publicação do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), convida os pesquisadores da área a submeter suas colaborações para seu número temático do ano de 2020, cujo tema será “Metodologia de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática: rumos e perspectivas”.

A metodologia é elemento essencial em todas as pesquisas de caráter científico. As definições relativas ao design de um estudo podem definir delineamentos, recortes, procedimentos, técnicas de coleta de dados, configurações para as análises, entre outras escolhas de caráter axial para a estrutura de um trabalho acadêmico. Neste sentido, parece legítimo propor alguns questionamentos:

  • Quais perspectivas metodológicas podem ser encontradas nas pesquisas em Educação Matemática?
  • Podem ser encontradas abordagens inovadoras nas investigações da área?
  • Quais os rumos da pesquisa qualitativa no âmbito da Educação Matemática? E da pesquisa quantitativa?
  • Como as abordagens experimentais têm trabalhado, do ponto de vista metodológico, com os diversos temas inscritos no rol de interesses das pesquisas em Educação Matemática?
  • As tecnologias digitais, em especial, concorrem para reconfigurar e/ou reorganizar a pesquisa em Educação Matemática sob o ponto de vista da metodologia?

Podem ser propostos artigos contendo resultados de pesquisas, bem como reflexões com contribuições teóricas para as investigações na área, em qualquer nível de ensino. A data limite para recebimento de colaborações é 14 de setembro de 2020. Serão aceitos artigos inéditos, redigidos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês. Instruções e um tutorial para autores, bem como outras informações relevantes se encontram no endereço

Os textos devem ser submetidos diretamente, pelo(s) autor(es) na plataforma SEER da Revista ( ). No ambiente da revista estão também disponíveis as normas para elaboração dos textos ( ) e o arquivo com o template que deve ser usado ( ).

No Passo 1 do processo de submissão on-line, o(s) autor(es) deve(m) escolher a seção “Submissão de artigos ao número temático “Número temático - Metodologia de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática: rumos e perspectivas”, para que o artigo seja encaminhado aos editores. Todos os artigos passarão pela avaliação de, pelo menos, dois pareceristas. Dúvidas sobre a edição temática podem ser encaminhadas para o e-mail (Editor do número temático), (editor da revista) e/ou (Editora da revista)

A edição está prevista para dezembro de 2020.


Prof. Dr. Gerson Pastre de Oliveira

Editor do Número Temático

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will be used exclusively for the services provided
by this publication and will not be made available 
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